Monday, August 14, 2017

96. Re-learn French (--In Progress)

and to properly swear, to increase my French vocabulary, learn a new word or phrase each week.

August 26, 2016 word of the day: échafauder: to build up
August 27, 2016 word of the day: se targuer: to boast
August 28, 2016 word of the day: passer: to pop in
August 29, 2016 word of the day: contempler: to contemplate
August 30, 2016 word of the day: déguster: to savor
August 31, 2016 word of the day: verbaliser: to fine
September 1,2017 word of the day: la barbe à papa: cotton candy
September 2,2017 word of the day: l'action sociale: welfare
September 3,2017 word of the day: la patience: patience
September 4,2017 word of the day: l'étalage: display
September 5,2017 word of the day: la gourmandise: delicacy
September 6,2017 word of the day: la cadence: rhythm
September 7,2017 word of the day: la vente aux enchères: auction
September 8,2017 word of the day: dans l'ensemble: overall
September 9,2017 word of the day: l'autochtone: native
September 10,2017 word of the day: le démenti: denial
September 11,2017 word of the day: le fourbe: deceitful
September 12,2017 word of the day:
September 13,2017 word of the day:
September 14,2017 word of the day:
September 15,2017 word of the day:
September 16,2017 word of the day:
September 17,2017 word of the day:
September 18,2017 word of the day:
September 19,2017 word of the day:
September 20,2017 word of the day:
September 21,2017 word of the day:
September 22,2017 word of the day:
September 23,2017 word of the day:
September 24,2017 word of the day:
September 25,2017 word of the day:
September 26,2017 word of the day:
September 27,2017 word of the day:
September 28,2017 word of the day:
September 29,2017 word of the day: émouvant: touching
September 30,2017 word of the day: réhabilité: restored to favor
October 1,2017 word of the day: anodin: harmless
October 2,2017 word of the day: tuméfié: swollen
October 3,2017 word of the day: abrégé: shortened
October 4,2017 word of the day: s'étioler: to fade
October 5,2017 word of the day: frelaté: adulterated
October 6,2017 word of the day: paisible: peaceful
October 7,2017 word of the day: quinquagénaire: in his/her fifties
October 8,2017 word of the day: suranné: old-fashioned
October 9,2017 word of the day:
October 10,2017 word of the day:
October 11,2017 word of the day:
October 12,2017 word of the day: le contrebandier: smuggler
October 13,2017 word of the day: l'omission: oversight
October 14,2017 word of the day: nonchalamment: nonchalantly
October 15,2017 word of the day: pareillement: likewise
October 16,2017 word of the day: avec délice: with delight
October 17,2017 word of the day: aucunement: in no way
October 18,2017 word of the day: scolairement: scholastically
October 19,2017 word of the day: de prime abord: at first glance
October 20,2017 word of the day: châtier: to punish
October 21,2017 word of the day: la soirée: evening
October 22,2017 word of the day:
October 23,2017 word of the day:
October 24,2017 word of the day:
October 25,2017 word of the day:
October 26,2017 word of the day:
October 27,2017 word of the day:
October 28,2017 word of the day:
October 29,2017 word of the day:
October 30,2017 word of the day:
October 31,2017 word of the day:

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